Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What's in a day?

I'm starting to like this little bit of my day that I sit behind the computer and type a li'l bit.  It's relaxing.  I got home from the studio around 10:30 p.m., said hello to my two loves, heated up some dinner, read a book and rocked B to sleep...and now I sit to type about my day.  Didn't really know what to talk about, except all day, I've been contemplating over one simple subject:  what's in a day?  and why is ours the way it is? 

I've always wondered why I have my days.  Why my days aren't made up just like that of someone else?  Or how would I feel if I had a day like that person had?  Not complaining.  Just wondering.  What's in a day? 

My busiest time of year with my job is right now.  Usually runs from August 1st to about November 1st.  Those 3 months are hectic.  Full of choreography, the start of the new dance season, ordering costumes, clean-up rehearsals, competition registrations, etc.  I usually don't have one day off in that time-span; I even work on Sundays.  Not cool.  But has to get done.  I'm blessed in the fact that I have a "teachers" schedule.  I get off each holiday.  I plan my own summers.  It's nice.  But each year I find myself miserable from time to time around now.  Wondering why I chose this job.  This year has been particularly worse because I have this beautiful baby Boy that I'd love to sit and hold every single day, all day long.  And I can't.  But again, I remind myself:  This is only temporary. 

I often-times get tired around this time...not to mention as we speak, I've got a horrible sinus infection on top of Bronchitis.  On so many meds it's not even funny.  My body is pooped - worn out - done.  And it's letting me know.  So as I trek to the studio each day- stressed, overwhelmed, fussy- the question is asked multiple times:  What's in this day for me?  Today, I think I got a little closer to figuring it out.

Kinda goes with yesterday's talk about Mimi (spelled the name wrong...fixed now).  Living each day to the fullest.  But not just that.  I figured out that I'm here to learn.  EVERYTHING has the power to impact my life; to teach me; to help me see a new light or a new circumstance.  How boring our lives would be if we knew it all?  No surprises, no "ah ha!" moments.  So when I dread a short instance of my day, I'll now remember that I'm supposed to be here.  This is showing me something; so figure it out Carrie.  God is always molding us.  He's helping us to find our moment and capture who He would like for us to be.  To carry out the job that He has so carefully given to each of us.  And when He feels like we've done it; when He feels like we've finished our jobs, then it will be OUR turn to walk through those Heavenly Gates.  It will be OUR turn to walk where everyone longs to be.  A place of perfection.  Of Smiles.  Of endless happiness.  So I'll keep walking here.  I'll keep learning.  Most importantly, I'll quit asking why this?  And figure out it's for me.  Placed so gently in my life, to show me something about myself.  To help me grow.  Even if most of the time it just means to show more love, compassion, or even harder - patience.  Whether with myself or someone else.  That's in my day.  What's in yours?

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