Sunday, April 8, 2012

...and baby makes 4.

Today is the day many of us are thankful for the one who died for us.  The reason we are here, and the reason we are forgiven.  The day that we all say positive things.  The day that we promise ourselves to try harder when the waves in our lives crash against one another - when we normally frown and say why me?  Today we promise to do better. 

Welp.  It's been a fun 40 days of no social networking.  On Ash Wednesday, I did the "unthinkable" and deleted the Facebook & Twitter apps from my cell phone.  It took about 2 days of withdrawals to break the habit.  I realized JUST how bad the addiction was when I found myself scrolling one app page to the right, and hitting the bottom right square with my index finger...without thinking.  Now, the Parenting app would continually pop up, until I realized, STOP FINGER....THAT'S NOT FACEBOOK.  After a few days, I felt cleansed.  Hilarious.  Cleansed is the word I used.  I found myself paying MUCH more attention on the road.  I would fall asleep more quickly at night.  I watched my son play with his toys more.  And by day 4, realized it was nice.  I had made a good choice.  The one thing I grew to miss was looking at the pictures people would post, and keeping in touch with the cool events in people's lives.  The many things I didn't miss were the "pity me's", the "oh no she didn't's", the nonchalant status's that were supposed to be vague, yet was obvious to all of us who they were about, the drama, and everyone's favorite, the "my child is better than yours".  Yep I said it.  Maybe I can just block all of those pages....

So today, I can fill you in on a few awesome things that are happening.  I got my first dosage of "mommy, let me do it" from BK3, who's pushing the 11 month mark.  I thought I would break down and cry when I held out the piece of yummy juicy chicken for him to eat off of my finger.  Instead of opening super wide like he used to, he pushed my hand back, then grabbed it with his own hand.  And ate it.  Such a small moment, that I'll probably remember for a while.  I mean damn, it happened over 2 weeks ago.  We signed the construction loan on the new house, which we've been patiently waiting for.  The dirt work is complete, and we're hoping a slab will be poured in the next week or two!  Mother nature, prayers, and patience are key in this process, so I've learned.   Everyone tells me it takes about 6 to 8 months to build....I'm hoping more on the 6.  Because on October 16th, we'll be welcoming another exciting member to our family of 3.  The Webb's will now be 4.  Surprise!  I'm 13 weeks and still wondering if this is true.  But oh the bulging belly, hormones, headaches, and midnight ice cream runs surely remind me.  Brannan and I were hoping to start trying in April / May.  God just decided to give us a little jumpstart.  That's all.  The babies will be 17 months apart.  Everyone tells me I'll lose my mind, but I figure, Hey---I'm sure it's just another feat that millions of other mama's handled - while designing their dream homes, running a business, knitting a sweater, and writing a cookbook too ya know?  Needless to say, I welcome your positive advice and prayers. 

Which brings me to the realization that with each kid, your endurance as a mama increases, however your sharpness in other areas definitely goes downhill.  I'm beginning to think most of your mind actually travels south, but that's ok.  Brannan and I were heading to our dear friends' wedding rehearsal and dinner one Thursday night a few weeks ago.  Brannan and I swapped car positions in order to take his new truck (he got one, by the way) so mine was getting parked closest to the house.  As I'm getting out of my car, I remember "lock the door, RIGHT NOW, because you know your husband is going to ask you as SOON as you get in that truck".  So I did.  The next morning, I was running around 80953 mph, ya know the usual, and almost walking out of the door for Zumba.  Looking for the keys - again, the usual.  But can't find em.  OH SHIT, did I lock them in my car?  No, couldn't have.  I remember specifically locking it.  The keys would've been IN my hand.  I text Brannan "Did I leave my keys in your car last night?".  "No", his reply.  I walk outside.....even though I KNOW the keys aren't in the car, because I remember specifically locking it.  Pull the handle, the car door opens.  With my keys sitting in my drivers seat.  Well I'll be damned, how the hell did that happen?  I go to Zumba, work out, groceries, and come back home.  A knock at the door.  It's my neighbor (they just moved in 2 weeks prior, and they have a CHICKEN in the back yard - we'll get to that in another blog).  He begins to tell me that "Last night me and my wife were outside, and noticed your car was running.  After several hours (SEVERAL HOURS!!!), I walked over and realized you had left your car running...and unlocked.  So I wondered if someone had hit ya over the head?  Or what?  I just left the keys on the seat, hoping you'd figure it all out ma'am."  About then my ears were blurring everything he said, I mustered a "Thanks sir, I REALLY appreciate it" and ran back inside....Probably to throw up from embarrassment OR morning sickness.  And I realized.  I am now that mom.  I just left my keys in my car, running, and went to St. Francisville for 5 hours.  I live in the ghetto.  I'm shocked that the car wasn't stolen.  God is on my side. Again - I welcome your positive thoughts and PRAYERS.

Happy Easter everyone!  I know I have so much to be thankful for :)