Monday, February 1, 2016

Gym Mom

I enrolled BK3 into a gymnastics class for boys.  I had been given many good referrals from trusted sources, but had been holding out.  One day, I taught him how to do a cartwheel and when I walked away, he actually practiced on his own.  Shocker!  So we started in January, and he loves it.  I'm elated that he's getting some skilled coordination help, muscle tone, and knowledge of gym basics, which I loved and still love to this day.  Flips are fun, and I'm thankful I can still manage to show a few moves myself.  So begins the crossing paths from being a dance school owner/instructor to a mommy. The first day, I learned we can "view" the class the entire time - cool.  That's new to me, since for every activity I ever did growing up, there rarely was a viewing window.  I have them in my studio, however I also have mini blinds installed, and we close them anytime it's needed.  I'm an advocate for sending your child in and letting them learn, grow, love, without being under our watchful eye...however I do understand why it's important nowadays with all of the crazy folk out there. 

The first few weeks, my viewing was minimal because of Briggs' and Grayson's pleas for attention.  I was a bit thankful, in the midst of being pestered by Daddy to "take as many videos as you can!" because I felt just a little weird watching every  move my child made.  I even had to watch myself a few times as the fellow moms yelled TO their children from the viewing box, "straighten your legs!", "do the cartwheels like you do them at home!", "pay attention!"....gosh.  This is my first run at this, and if this is how all of my child's activities are going to go, then I'll need ear muffs.  When my kids screw up, I laugh.  Because right now, the screw ups are rather mild.  And they're learning.  And I know they NEED to learn, in order to grow.  I am certain that the screw ups will intensify, and then it will be my turn to actually cry over it.  For now, I laugh.  For now, I'm thankful that it's just BK3 getting clocked in the head by some kid's legs who's executing a not-so-perfectly done cartwheel, because he left his station to go tell Coach "Hey, he needs help with his donkey kicks".  Cool B, pay attention to your own task...K?  K.  The coach is great, and again, I'm thankful my child is learning some great skills from a great teacher.  Trusting is hard.  But it's necessary.

This past Saturday, we took Bk3 to his Kindergarten screening.  Kindergarten.  My endless mommy-son time will soon be over.  It's a pit in my stomach that I'm having a tough time absorbing.  My sweet first born will soon be starting real school, and my days will be cut so short.  So starts the next 13 years of his life in "school", which I just dreamed about the days before he was born.  And now it's here.  He spent about 45 minutes with a teacher from the school, and when he came out to us, he seemed 2 years older already.  Then the nice lady told us that the subject of most of their conversation was "Deer Poop", and I immediately relaxed.  No wedding planning yet...thank you Jesus.  I'm not sure how I managed to keep anxious anyways, with Grayson exploding juice boxes all over their cafeteria or eating the ENTIRE orange crayon at the coloring station.  Briggs toured the playground, thankfully.  Lots of thanks....lots of thanks. 

I'm thankful that I'm able to concentrate on listening to each one of my sons, although Grayson only yells NO, Mama, Uvas (Grapes), and Ouch! we can mainly assume Bk3 and Briggs.  They are becoming such sweet little individuals.  They love different foods, colors, activities, sayings, and they have different modes of affection.  I have prayed for patience a lot in the last few weeks, and I see many times throughout the day how God grants me the opportunity to practice it.  Briggs wants to "Stand on my tippy toes" to pee however gets stage fright for 3 minutes until I surrender and say "SIT ON THE TOILET!".  Thankful the bed isn't wet, though...again, thankful.  I held a sweet baby girl today, and had to give her back due to my fear of getting pregnant just by the gooey-ness of baby fever.  No Carrie.  NO.  NOT RIGHT NOW.  I'm sure my relatives are thankful...again...thankful

Just another day to give the glory where it's needed.  God has blessed us so much - and I learn every day how my job as a mom is to pass that along.  The red birds that flood my window views are gentle reminders of the ones who love me so much, residing in the best place to be, Heaven.  I have thought a lot in the last few weeks about keeping strength, and I have to owe it to my own upbringing.  To my parents who worked so hard for me.  As I should do for my own family.  As we all should do for each other, every day.  And when we take just a second to take a deep breath, we notice all of the glorious things that make us smile, like deer poop or a gym viewing window - for that, I am forever thankful.