Wednesday, August 10, 2016

4 Stores and a 1 1/2 year old.

It's been six months since I last documented these funny life stories.  There are many moments throughout a day when I say "I have to take note of this..." but then, I'm so tired that the only thing I want is for my head to hit the pillow.  Today though.  I make time.

I was a bit late to the game and waited until last night to call for an early bed time in order to get ready for this wave of re-awakening with school starting.  I've been in my 9 a.m. carpool bubble for 3 years now, and this 7:25 a.m. thing is probably what is giving me the most anxiety.  I asked B to get the boys to bed early, in hopes of me getting ALL OF US up early this morning to practice.  Practice.  Yeah...

I can't remember at what point Grayson crawled into my side of the bed, but I know it was before 3 a.m.  I woke up around 3:45 dreaming of snakes, and was pushed out of the bed by the 1 1/2 year old.  Sweating.  Knowing the 5:30 attempt to open my eyes for good was going to be rough, I let that snooze happen until 6:30.  Hey, I tried.  Ran into the shower, with Grayson crying at the shower door...not sure why, except he just was pissed that I left him in bed with Daddy.  One day, I'll be dragging him out of bed...but now. No.  He robs me of the quiet morning coffee during the 6 o'clock hour EVERY DAY.  Got out of the shower, greeted by the eager BK3 who already had his clothes in hand asking if it were time to practice.  He is me made over.  Karma.  So that went well, even though it was an hour behind schedule.

After a few demands, "MAMA, LECHE!", "Mama aren't you glad, I didn't pee in the bed?!!", "Mama, when am I going to meet MY teacher?", "Mama, does Daddy go to work today?", the boys love to go out on the back porch and feed the cats/Roxie every morning.  It had only made it to around 7:05 a.m. and I was making lunches, trying to pour coffee (thanking God it was at least still hot), and daddy B says "Hey, I haven't seen Gray's head bopping around on the back porch in the last few minutes..."  Me.  Panic.  It's way too quiet.  After a few minutes of frantic yelling for a toddler that isn't going to respond anyways... I figured I'd go look downstairs outside.  Yep.  He actually hollered back to me after I called outside "Yeh Mommy!" was WAY too far away.  And sure enough, the little rascal had gone down 21 stairs, somehow dodged numerous piles of chicken shit, trekked through the back yard to the tractor shed about 50 feet behind the house, climbed up on the tractor (it's a big tractor), and was seated in the driver's seat.  The cat had followed him out there to chill too...  He was TOO proud.  And I was relieved.  "Oh, he's just on the tractor."  I promise I don't neglect my kids.

Right after breakfast, I began packing BK3's booksack for tomorrow's Kindergarten start.  I suddenly realized that I had only bought 2 pair of navy shorts.  2 pair in size 5, and 2 pair in size 6, just to see what fit.  Then forgot that I didn't actually buy the other 3 pair of what I'd need in order to dodge laundry 3 times a week.  So I threw the kids in the car (not really, even though they probably would've thought it was fun) and decided we could easily find this in Denham.  Not.  We went to 4 stores.  And it wasn't until store 2 that I realized I hadn't brought a stroller.  Genius, Carrie.

Store 1:  Old Navy.
Briggs stole the limelight here.  While Grayson was fighting me to put his feet into the cart's seat, I turn around to see Briggs RIDING the dog mannequin.  RIDING IT.  I yell BRIGGS!  GET OFF THE DOG! (why does Old Navy have a dog mannequin?) and in the exact same second thank GOD for the mannequin not crushing under his 40+ 3 year old self.  He responds "Why? I was just trying to be a cowboy."  Cool Briggs.  No navy shorts there.

Store 2:  Kohls
There's a cart here too.  Thankfully.  But no shorts.  But there was a rack of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle memorabilia that Briggs told the entire store he needed for his birthday. 

Store 3.  Belk
No cart.  That's when I realized I needed to eat my wheaties for breakfast.  After a few threats of telling the boys to stay near me, ask Bk3 to hold my purse since I had the giant toddler, and making Briggs promise to "walk up", we entered the automatic doors, which BK3 stared at for 30 extra second thinking they were magical.  I hauled to the back corner of the store, where I immediately scanned and saw no navy shorts.  The super nice older lady who worked there said "Oh! I'll watch him while you look for shorts"....  Yeah right, watch Grayson?  Sure enough I set him down, and he ran, like Usain Bolt in the mens 100m, setting out a devised route that he had been working on since we walked into the store.  The lady looked at me like HE was the crazy one... come on woman.  It's written all over him, and every other 1 1/2 year old who graces the department store with his or her presence.  Briggs and Brannan got a huge kick out of his lightening speed and ran after him, shouting every audible you can imagine.  Now, it's become a game.  I then bolted, told the lady thank you, and met them two sections over, where Bk3 was hanging onto Grayson's shirt neckline like he had just roped cattle.  Grayson squealing.  As I grabbed G like a football under my arm (when he throws a tantrum, you have to keep his limbs away from your face), I looked at the other two and my eyes told them to make a b-line for the door.  Bk3 ran in front of me and the screaming toddler, screaming sounds like a race car, while I look back to see Briggs trying to "not step on any cracks." Now, if you know Briggs and how slow he is anyways, you can imagine how slow he is avoiding cracks.  Again, we got in the car, buckled, and I just could only think about how thankful I was that I didn't pee on myself...I had 2 cups of coffee this morning.

Store 4.  Stage
There was a cart.  Thankfully.  I asked the first person I saw if they had navy shorts and she was smart.  She took one look at me with my 3 boys and didn't waste my time.  NO NAVY SHORTS.  Ok cool!  Do you have a bathroom? Cause I still have to pee. Thanks!  3 boys in a large stall in the womens' bathroom will finish out that day for ya real quick. 

Store 5.  Walgreens, but not looking for shorts.
At this point, I think the boys could understand the fumes radiating off of their mama.  My tone was calm (surprisingly), and they behaved.  We were checking out, and a kind man with an LSU shirt, around 75, walked in.  He stood and waited inside near the door until I gathered my three from the checkout and headed out.  He said "Ma'am are ALL THESE BOYS yours?" to which I said "Yessir, they're all mine"   He responds with "you sure are blessed with these fine young men you have." 

To which I took a deep breath, smiled, and all of the chaos of the 4 previous stores blew on away.  He's right and as I buckled everyone in their seats soon after, I could only be thankful for him.  He was sent right there in that very moment to remind me how beautiful these tiny chaotic moments prove to be.  I think that those signs of thanksgiving are graciously thrown at us everywhere.  Surely, we don't always notice them.  Especially nowadays, when we are preoccupied with everything imaginable.  I was content in the no-find Navy shorts that I'll tackle again tomorrow, in Baton Rouge this time.  And for the rest of the day, thought often of that nice man who helped me see the light in that quick minute!

We start Kindergarten tomorrow.  BK3 is more than excited to eat in the cafeteria, and that helps me to calm down a bit.  Going to bed thankful tonight for the many men and women who love my boys.  The many who serve and will serve as their teachers in the coming years.  My heart is full, knowing that there are special people on this Earth who they will admire and learn from, as they grow into young men themselves.  Or cowboys, as Briggs chose today. 

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