Monday, December 12, 2011

a weekend away.

I took a job in St Louis doing some choreography for a school out there. I've been doing work for them for a few years, and was looking forward to this trip, since I hadn't gone last year due to the pregnancy.  They're great people - always fun to be around.  Flew out Friday.  Set to return Monday.  I was pretty excited.  Gave Daddy B my good luck wishes, since he was in charge of li'l B all weekend, and I was off on a plane.  And BAM.  Not even 2 hours into the flight and I missed my pumpkin.  Brannan and I had been away from the li'l man several times these past few months.  We even went away to Biloxi 2 months after having him.  I've always been fine.  I kept thinking....ok, you just don't like flying, so you're getting emotional.  Thought it would get better but no.  All I wanted was to hold my li'l man.  Thankfully, I got several picture texts...but that barely broke the surface of the sad face.  Saturday morning comes, Alex and I are eating breakfast at our Hotel and in walks a mom (an Auburn fan, but this is ok), with her husband and 2 kids.  Boys.  The oldest is 3, the youngest, only about 1 month old.  The li'l man starts to whimper and mama pulls him out.  My heart sank.  You could tell she was exhausted.  Still in the 'No sleep' phase and just wanted to eat her hot continental breakfast.  I felt my body actually getting up out of my seat to offer to take the kid from her....Get ahold of yourself're a stranger.  She will probably grab her food, kids, husband and RUN if you reach for her child.  Knowing good and well I didn't care about her chance to eat, but wanted my Pumpkin fix, since I was missing mine so much.  Luckily, about that time, Alex finished her breakfast, and we had to go.  I know the lady thinks I was a stalker.  I stared for at LEAST 10 minutes.  My mouth was probably awkwardly hanging open too....

I made it through the next two days, despite one more minor breakdown learning that BK3 had cut a tooth....without me there; I absolutely could not wait to get onto the flights this morning.  I got to Deb's right in time for my li'l man to wake up for his lunchtime bottle.  It took him just about 5 minutes to realize who I was...I was ok though.  I was there.  He was too.  And that's all I needed. I'll have to say though, what made things so much better was my house.  Daddy B, despite being in charge of EVERYTHING this past weekend (I guess you could say we swapped roles), he had the house clean, laundry done, a new piece of furniture in, dishes washed, and Christmas Presents for me, ALL wrapped, stacked up in a straight stack with a piece of paper taped onto them...reading - ALL YOURS with an arrow pointing down the stack.  I laughed.  Especially since all I asked for this year was clothes, so this oughta be a very fun christmas morning, seeing what he picked out. 

I was up at before dawn, exhausted from a super long weekend of work, and home by 12:00.  Taught from 3:30 to 9:00 and came home to Pizza and the two men I love.  I'm pooped, but the best things in life are with me now.  And I'm so thankful God gave me these things.  Also....for Daddy B's plea on the phone Saturday night... "Babe....I'm exhausted....I've been non-stop since you left."  ;)

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