Sunday, November 13, 2011

Toting the Tot....

The past two weekends have been super busy for us - last weekend was the first solo & duet/trio competition for my dancers. It was held in Lafayette.  This weekend was our first group competition, held in Biloxi.  Since August, we've been choreographing and rehearsing these pieces.  Needless to say the two weekends were two much anticipated events, preceded by endless hours of rehearsal, and lots lots lots and lots of stress.  BUT they came, and are done.  I'm a happy dance teacher, they're accomplished dancers, and the first two competitions are out of the way for the new season.  Onto January! 

Baby Brannan came with me last weekend, as Daddy Brannan was cheering on the Tigers at the University of Alabama.  I didn't even for once stop to think if I would be capable of bringing BK3 by myself to a dance convention / competition.  I just did it.  Yep, I'm a mom.  It's that mentality of "I'll make it happen" that kicks into gear when faced with a challenge.  Needless to say, packing with a 6 month old takes a bit longer than ever before (minus the tot).  Once I got to Lafayette, things were 90 to nothing, but I had amazing help (Thanks Dance Moms).  I love that BK3 cures their "Baby Fix" and allows me some time to take a deep breath.  Saturday, the game of the century: LSU played Alabama and I wasn't missing this for the world.  We had all talked about checking out a local family sports bar/restaurant down the road from the hotel.  I was ready.  We were ready.  Until BK3 decided he'd rather an evening of constipation and "I don't want to eat my veggies yet I'm still going to scream because I'm hungry" attitude.  It was 6:30 p.m. (the game was starting in 30 minutes) and I had a choice to make.  No sports bar for us.  Burgers and a cocktail turned into Prune Juice and Papa Johns for me and the munchkin.  Oh least he finally pooped (yay for that!) and I was able to we see a theme here?

This weekend, we were fortunate enough to leave BK3 behind.  Brannan and myself, off to Biloxi for an entire weekend. HALLELUJAH.  Thought I'd feel bad leaving him behind...but nope.  This was needed.  Although it was a weekend of no sleep (but not because of a baby), work, and dancing, I was ready and excited for it.  A nice dinner at the Beau Rivage and a few hours in the casino was our Friday night.  Saturday and today filled with Dancing and GOOD dancing might I add.  My dancers received top honors at a competition filled with incredible talent, and I left a happy teacher.  Side Note:  a SORE and IN PAIN teacher I was...due to my quest to take classes for the first time in a year, and since having a child.  WOW that reality check was a quick one...Of course I missed my cutie-pie and was so excited to see him by 6:30 p.m.  His li'l face lit up when he saw us....made my heart melt. has changed. 

Hope everyone has a great week :)

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