Where did 2015 go?
I had been looking forward to our much needed Christmas break for many reasons: days off were hard to come by over the last few months; bed times and bath times were few and far between with me working nights, and I wanted to share in those special times; I absolutely LOVE holiday food; family is important, and I was anxious to spend time with everyone.
With all the rain we have had, the energy levels in the little guys were pushing me to limits I had never seen before. And that was just by day 3. Briggs is reminding us ALL about the torrential 3's, Grayson has a jump on his terrible 2's and BK3 all of a sudden thinks he runs our house - and he means it. Give one of them the wrong color plate, and the food is gonna hit the fan - or the window, or me. Each day, I pray for super powers to read their minds, and although I'm getting closer, I still can't decipher who wants Mickey or the Hulk on their cup this morning.
Christmas came and went. After working 3 hours on Briggs' stocking the night before Christmas Eve, I finished it. Year 3, and he finally got his stocking. Our living room looked like it threw up gift wrap and toys, cardboard boxes and plastic. I still don't think I'm anywhere near close to having it all in it's own "spot." But I'm ok with that too. We succeeded in our annual Christmas day marathon with 4 stops before noon arrived. My kids were champs - except for the moment that the B's decided it'd be a good time to ask great - grandmother, "Do you have any MORE presents for us?". If I could've shoved a cinnamon roll into their mouths any faster, I would have... Instead, I used the opportunity as a car-ride home conversation. Not sure if it worked or not - we'll see next year.
Ringing in the new year was a whole new dynamic this year. We had several friends and their children over to our house, and I got a quick glimpse into the next several years. The kids were wild - and I loved every bit of it. I know that I'll blink, and they'll be at the age where "staying home isn't cool, Mom." So I tried to grasp every bit of it that I could. We had a great time.
Many people challenged me to think of 15 great things in 2015. So here they are:
1. We found a new church parish that we love.
2. Briggs and Brannan became much better "friends".
3. Grayson makes me laugh every single day.
4. A more settled year with my studio.
5. A very successful year with my dancers.
6. Good health for my Papi - he'll be 99 in March.
7. Brannan got the truck of his dreams.
8. Our home seems a little more "Home-ish" this year.
9. I became closer with several people, who I can now consider family.
10. No more Bottles.
11. Briggsy is out of diapers.
12. No more formula.
13. Grayson started school at BPECC, and I love all of my boys' teachers.
14. My boys have begun to show me a tiny glimpse into real "Boy-hood" (I'm not sure if I like it).
15. I did not deliver a child OR get pregnant in 2015.
I have had more than one person ask me if they can list #15 as one of THEIR top 15's...
I am learning that with each year, time passes more quickly. I wish I could freeze my boys at this age, as they are beyond fun, adventurous, and spontaneous. I laugh every single day. I can only hope that my resolution to make more time for them sticks. I am understanding that the simplest gifts from God are the one's that carry the most impact. I look outside every day and at least once, catch a glimpse of a red bird eavesdropping on our adventures. It makes my heart full, because I know that my Dad, Brannan's Dad, and others are just as "along for the ride" as I am. So here's to 2016 - its adventures, its excitement, and its challenges. The Webb's are ready!